(b. 1998  ­in Nowy Sącz, Poland)

-- artysta wizualny, fotograf. Student na wydziale Grafiki krakowskiej Akademii Sztuk Pięknych oraz fotografii kreatywnej w Instytucie Twórczej Fotografii w Opawie, były student kierunku Intermedia w.w ASP w Krakowie. Swoją pracę skupia głównie na medium fotografii, jednocześnie aktywnie tworząc projekty w obrębie innych mediów artystycznych (video art, animacja, instalacje, mapping, scenografia). Współzałożyciel kolektywu wydawniczego RUST skupiającego się na selfpublishingu oraz promocji debiutujących fotografów.  Uczestnik m.in OFF Bratislava, Polish Photo Self-Publishing at Contemporary Art Space Batum, konkursowej sekcji laboratorium Cracow Art Week KRAKERS, International Student Book Art Competition w GAFU Gallery, Ostrawa, Biennale Fotografii TIFF
- visual artist with a heavy emphasis on the photographic practice. He currently pursues his studies at the Institute of Creative Photography in Opava, Czech as well as at the Faculty of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. His work consists of an array of interdisciplinary artistic mediums. Incorporates video art, installation, design, mapping and scenography into his workflow. Being a co-founder of the Polish publishing house and artist collective „RUST” he engages in the promotion of up-and-coming artists whilst also contributing to Poland's thriving part scene as a participant of the OFF Bratislava, Polish Photo Self-Publishing at Contemporary Art Space Batum, International Student Book Art Competition at GAFU Gallery Ostrava, Cracow Art Week KRAKERS section , Biennale of Photography Wroclaw, "Talent of the Year" organized by the Pix.house Foundation, Creative Scholarship of the City of Cracow, founder of the Foundation Południe focused on organizing innovative cultural projects

2022 - Institute of Creative Photography in Opava, Faculty of Philiosophy and Science, University of Silesia in Opava (CZ)
2020 - Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Faculty of Graphic Arts (PL)
2018 / 2019 - Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Faculty of Intermedia (PL)

Exhibitions and awards:

04/2024 - "Tropy" individual exhibition Wawel Royal Castle, Kraków (PL)
04/2024 - "Tropy" individual exhibition The Cracow Philharmonic, Kraków (PL) 
11/2023 - „The Hawk” photobooks exhibition - OFF Libris Bratislava 2023 (SK)
11/2023 - „The Hawk" exhibition - OFF Bratislava 2023  (SK) 
10/2023 - "Polish Photo Self-Publishing at Contemporary" group exhibition - Art Space Batumi, Georgia (GE)
11/2023 - "The world when AI is using the kitchen at the same time as me" exhibition - Open Eyes Art 2023, Krakow (PL)
09/2023 - „0.72” - slideshow selection Biennale Fotografii TIFF Open 2023, Wrocław (PL) 
06/2023 - Talent of the Year 2023 laureate - Pix.house Foundation, Poznań( PL)
05/2023 - II International Student Book Art Competition in Ostrava / GAFU Gallery (CZ)
05/2023 - "The Hawk" individual exhibition - Centrum na Przedmieście, Wroclaw (PL)
04/2023 - "The Diary House" individual exhibition - Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów (PL)
03/2023 - "0.72" ASP Katowice, event accompanying the project  "Podziemia. Subterra Incognita" (PL)
02/2023 - "Kraków widzi sztukę / Exhibition of the winners of the creative scholarship of the City of Krakow" Podbrzezie Gallery, Kraków - group exhibition (PL) 
01/2023 - "The Hawk"  individual exhibition - Tamka Island, Gallery u Agatki, Wrocław (PL)
10/2022 - „Wiodomość z pokoju obok” group exhibition - Podbrzezie Gallery, Cracow, Poland (PL)
06/2022 - Cracow Art Week KRAKERS 2022  “Tyle się działo, kiedy Cię nie było” -  laboratory section of the main program
06/2022 - Cracow Art Week KRAKERS 2022 - Kierunki" - group exhibition of the accompanying program 
05/2022 - winner of the 2022 City of Krakow Creative Scholarships. (PL)
05/2022 - participation in the International Student Book Art Competition in Ostrava / GAFU Gallery (CZ)
11/2022 - participation in NÓWKA SZTUKA 2021 fair in Krakow (PL)
06/2021 - realization of the "BETWIXT" exhibition as part of Cracow Art Week 2021 and organization of the "OFF-PRINT" fair promoting independent photographic publications (PL)

01/2023 - Photobook - The Hawk / Jakub Szachowski / Rust Publishing
11/2022 - Photobook - Mój Fyrtel / Moja Przestrzeń 22 / Publikacja grupowa / Pix.house
10/2022 - Photobook - Place where kites fly / Jakub Szachnowski, Łukasz Rygał / Rust Publishing, ASP im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie
04/2021 - Photobook - Rarefied / Jakub Szachnowski, Maciej Forreiter / Rust Publishing
01/2019 - Currently - founder of self-publishing publishing house Rust Publishing focusing on the promotion of debut photographers;
within the activities of the publishing collective, among others, 8 paper publications in the form of an art book were created under my coordination (material editing, design, distribution and promotion):

email / jakubszachnowskii@gmail.com
+ 48 786 250 874